Picture of African Children Getting Their Height Measured #7470

#7470 Picture of African Children Getting Their Height Measured by KAPD
In this late 1960’s photograph, health workers, working for just food, measure the heights and weights of children to establish the needs of the refugees during the Nigerian-Biafran war.

During the Nigerian war, the CDC assisted in moving food to the refugees. Due to a lack of help internationally, health officials could not get enough food to everyone so they relied on a protein distribution effort that was supplemented locally-grown carbohydrates like yams and cassava (manioc). Dr.’s Lyle Conrad and William H. Foege established a standard for height and weight for the Nigerian Children, which didn’t exist at the time.

This image was provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [0004-0703-1422-2604] by 0004

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