Photo of the Socha Kamzika Statue of a Stag on the Fibichova Pesina Fibich Path in Karlovy Vary, Carlsbad, Bohemia, Czech Republic #19517

#19517 Photo of the Socha Kamzika Statue of a Stag on the Fibichova Pesina Fibich Path in Karlovy Vary, Carlsbad, Bohemia, Czech Republic by JVPD
Royalty-free photochrom stock photo of the Statue of the Stag (Socha Kamzika) on a rock tower off of the Fibichova pesina Fibich path in Karlovy Vary, Carlsbad, Bohemia, Czech Republic, Austro-Hungary, c 1890-1900. This statue, originally created by August Kiss, was destroyed by vandals in 1984 and was re-created by Jan Kotek in 1986. The statue here in this picture is the original. [0003-0711-2114-2015] by 0003

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