Picture of a woman presented with vaccinia gangrenosum, now called progressive vaccinia, after having been vaccinated for smallpox. Progressive vaccinia is one of the most severe complications of smallpox vaccination. It is almost always life threatening. Rare in the past, it may be a greater threat today, given the larger proportion of susceptible persons in the population. This image was created in 08/2003 and provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Compiled by California Department of Health Services. For any questions about these photos, e-mail rschecht@dhs.ca.gov.) [0003-0702-0917-5131] by 0003
cdc, chronic wounds, female, gangrenosum, health care, ill, illness, ladies, lady, life threatening illnesses, medical care, pain, painful, patient, patients, people, person, progressive vaccinia, sufferer, suffering, vaccinia gangrenosum, victim, woman, women, wound, wounds