Stock Photo Of The Kibo Japanese Pressurized Module Being Moved From Stowage To The Port Side Of The Harmony Node Of The International Space Station In The Grasp Of The Station’s Robotic Canadarm2 On June 3rd 2008 #30725

#30725 Stock Photo Of The Kibo Japanese Pressurized Module Being Moved From Stowage To The Port Side Of The Harmony Node Of The International Space Station In The Grasp Of The Station’s Robotic Canadarm2 On June 3rd 2008 by JVPD
Royalty-free NASA stock photo of the Kibo Japanese Pressurized Module (JPM) being moved from its stowage position in Space Shuttle Discovery’s (STS-124) payload bay to the port side of the Harmony node of the International Space Station in the grasp of the station’s robotic Canadarm2 on June 3rd 2008. Photo Credit: NASA [0003-0807-1513-0739] by 0003

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in space, international space station, iss, japanese pressurized module, jpm, kibo japanese pressurized module, nasa, space craft, space crafts, space exploration, spacecraft, spacecrafts