Royalty-free astronomy stock photo of an area of gas and dust where thousands of stars are being born at the inner region of the fertile, star-forming 30 Doradus Nebula. The mosaic picture shows that ultraviolet radiation and high-speed material unleashed by the stars in the cluster, called R136 (the large blue blob left of center), are weaving a tapestry of creation and destruction, triggering the collapse of looming gas and dust clouds and forming pillar-like structures that incubate newborn stars. Photo Credit: NASA, N. Walborn and J. Ma`iz-Apell`aniz (Space Telescope Science Institute), R. Barb`a (La Plata Observatory, La Plata, Argentina) [0003-0710-2308-3372] by 0003
astronomy, doradus nebula, in space, nasa, national aeronautics and space administration, nebula, nebulae, outer space, r136, space, star, stars, universe