Picture of Ferrying Wagons Across River #8423

#8423 Picture of Ferrying Wagons Across River by JVPD
Image of covered wagons being ferried across the Platte River in central Wyoming. A man stands on the far bank of the river, with a hook in one hand. In the distance, people have set up camp in three covered wagons and a tent. This camp may be near present-day Casper, Wyoming, where the Jenks would have joined the Oregon Trail. Jenks and his party arrived at camp 60 on Wednesday, June 8th 1859. He noted in his diary that they camped in a cottonwood grove. [0003-0704-1115-0611] by 0003

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camp, camps, covered wagon, covered wagons, crossing, crossing river, daniel a jenks, emigrants, ferries, ferry, fords, historic, historical, history, north platte river, oregon trail, pioneers, platte river, river, river crossing, rivers, stream crossing, tents, transportation, wyoming