Stock Illustration of An Exhausted Horse Pulling Deacon Jones In A Carriage, While A Man In A Horsedrawn Sulky Quickly Gains On Them In The Background #41285

#41285 Stock Illustration of An Exhausted Horse Pulling Deacon Jones In A Carriage, While A Man In A Horsedrawn Sulky Quickly Gains On Them In The Background by JVPD
Royalty-free stock illustration of an exhausted horse pulling Deacon Jones in a carriage, while a man in a horsedrawn sulky quickly gains on them in the background, c 1879.

Photo Credit: F. M. Haskell & Co. / LOC / [0003-0902-1119-3415] by 0003

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animal, animals, carriage, carriages, chromolithograph, chromolithographs, clergy, coach, coaches, equestrian, equine, horse, horses, journey, tired horse, transportation