Stock Illustration Of The Stardust Spacecraft Alongside The Comet Wild 2 #30763

#30763 Stock Illustration Of The Stardust Spacecraft Alongside The Comet Wild 2 by JVPD
Royalty-free NASA stock illustration of the Stardust spacecraft alongside the Comet Wild 2. The spacecraft was launched on February 7, 1999, from Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida, aboard a Delta II rocket. The primary goal of Stardust is to collect dust and carbon-based samples during its closest encounter with Comet Wild 2 -- pronounced "Vilt 2" after the name of its Swiss discoverer. Photo Credit: NASA/JPL [0003-0807-1616-1516] by 0003

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astronomy, comet, comet wild 2, comets, in space, jpl, nasa, outer space, satellite, satellites, space exploration, spacecraft, stardust, stardust spacecraft, wild 2