Photo of a Long Haired Maiden Wishing Luck to a Knight on a Horse, God Speed by Edmund Blair Leighton #19318

#19318 Photo of a Long Haired Maiden Wishing Luck to a Knight on a Horse, God Speed by Edmund Blair Leighton by JVPD
Royalty-free art stock photo of a long haired maiden in a golden dress, leaning over a railing to wish an armoured knight on horseback good luck, titled God Speed by Edmund Blair Leighton, c 1900. [0003-0711-0114-3650] by 0003

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art, edmund blair leighton, edmund leighton, female, fine art, god speed, god speed by edmund blair leighton, god speed edmund blair leighton, horseback, knight, knighthood, knights, love, maiden, maidens, male, man, medieval, men, romance, woman, women