Humorously titled "Doggy Doo" this royalty-free animal clipart shows a middle aged caucasian man using a hair cutting razor to groom a dog’s head. The dog is sitting in a barber chair, holding a beverage, with his feet up. [0012-0711-0909-4622] by 0012
animal, animals, at work, barber, barber chair, barber chairs, barber shop, barber shops, barbers, canine, canines, career, careers, cutting, cutting hair, dog, dog getting a haircut, dog getting haircut, dog groomer, dog groomers, dog grooming, dogs, groom, groomer, groomers, grooming, hair cut, hair cuts, hair cutter, hair cutters, hair cutting, haircut, haircuts, haircutting, job, jobs, lifestyle, lifestyles, male, man, men, occupation, occupations, pampered, pampered pooch, people, person, pet, pet care, pets, profession, professions, razor, razors, work
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