Picture of One Whole Ripe Banana With Slight Bruising on a White Background #16992

#16992 Picture of One Whole Ripe Banana With Slight Bruising on a White Background by JVPD
Royalty-free food stock photo of one whole banana in a yellow peel, viewed in profile on a white background. This banana has slight brusing on the peel.

Banana fruits grow in hanging clusters, with up to 20 fruit to a tier (a hand), and 3-20 tiers to a bunch. Each banana has a peel/skin that protects the inner part of the fruit which is edible, fleshy, sweet and soft. Bananas have strings known as phloem bundles that run between the skin and center. Bananas are a great source of Vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium. They help in cases of which people often have charlie horses (painful muscle spasms in the calf of the leg). [0003-0709-2718-2745] by 0003

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