Stock Photo of Four Boys With Their Hands Behind Their Backs, Bending Over And Eating Donuts During A Doughnut Eating Contest On May 5th 1922 #27875

#27875 Stock Photo of Four Boys With Their Hands Behind Their Backs, Bending Over And Eating Donuts During A Doughnut Eating Contest On May 5th 1922 by JVPD
Royalty-free historical black and white people stock photo of four boys with their hands behind their backs, bending over and eating donuts during a doughnut eating contest on May 5th 1922. Please note that this image does have blur. [0003-0805-1611-2544] by 0003

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black and white, boy, boys, child, children, contest, contests, donut, donuts, doughnut, doughnut eating contest, doughnuts, eat, eating, eating contest, eating contests, historical, history, hunger, hungry, kid, kids, little boy, little boys, people