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Free Picture: Cotton Factory Thought To Have The Earliest Cases Of The 1976 Sudan Ebola Outbreak
Description This photo shows workers in the Nzara, Sudan cotton factory, which was determined to be the location where the earliest cases in the 1976 Sudan Ebola outbreak occurred. Roy Baron, along with a number of other investigators, went through this factory looking for the source of this virus, however, none was found. From these early cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, the virus started to spread from the factory through the town of Nzara, and then went east to the town of Maridi, where, the virus killed many staff members of the local hospital, as well as numerous patients. This image was provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Keywords cdc, cotton factory, ebola, ebola virus, ethnic, ethnic people, guy, guys, health care, male, man, men, nzara, nzara sudan, people, person, sudan, sudan ebola, virus, viruses, free photography, free photo, free photos, free picture, free pictures, free image, free images
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