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Free Picture: Researcher Removing Mosquitoes with a Mechanical Aspirator from the Tray of a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
Description Picture of a field researcher is shown removing mosquitoes with a mechanical aspirator from the tray of a horse stable mosquito trap.
Agriculturally important livestock such as chickens, horses, and cattle often fall victim to vector-based diseases. Horses are just as susceptible as humans to many of the same vector-based diseases such as those transmitted through the bite of mosquitos.
This image was created in 1980 and provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Keywords arbovirus, cdc employees, field researcher, guy, guys, insect, insects, male, men, mosquito, mosquito cage, mosquito trap, mosquitoes, person, researcher, science, scientist, cdc, collecting mosquitoes, man, people, free photography, free photo, free photos, free picture, free pictures, free image, free images
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