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Free Picture: Republican Platform and Presidential Nominees
Description Image of bust portraits of presidential candidate Benjamin Harrison and vice presidential candidate Levi P. Morton, between them are two columns topped with bust portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, between the columns is the text of the Republican platform, above which is an eagle; atop the central motif is a bust portrait of George Washington. A garland flows around the main body of the print; on it are stars labeled with the initials of each state and the number of their electoral votes; it includes stars for ten territories and the District of Columbia.
Keywords abraham lincoln, american history, benjamin harrison, george washington, historic, historical, history, levi p morton, politics, president, presidential nominees, presidents, republican platform, ulysses s grant, united states presidents, us presidents, republican platform and presidential nominees, free photography, free photo, free photos, free picture, free pictures, free image, free images
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