Photo of a Dusty Planet Forming Disk Slowing Down a Whirling Star #18719

#18719 Photo of a Dusty Planet Forming Disk Slowing Down a Whirling Star by JVPD
Royalty-free astronomy stock photo of a dusty planet-forming disk slowing down a whirling young star, essentially saving the star from spinning itself to death. Here you see a developing star (red ball) which is a giant ball of gas that is collapsing onto itself. As it shrinks, it spins faster and faster, like a skater folding in his or her arms. The green lines represent magnetic fields.

Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech [0003-0710-2308-3343] by 0003

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astronomy, disk, dusty disk, in space, magnetic field, magnetic fields, nasa, national aeronautics and space administration, outer space, planet, planets, space, spin, spinning, universe