Royalty-free reptile stock photo of one Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard (Uma inornata) in sand at Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge, California. The Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard is a Californian lizard species and is listed as an endangered species in the state of California, a threatened species in the United States and the IUCN classifies it as endangered. This lizard is restricted to habitats with fine, windblown sand deposits in the sandy plains of the Coachella Valley, Riverside County. Since the 1970s, estimates of its habitat have decreased by approximately 75 percent, possibly due to human activities. The lizard is well adapted to its desert habitat. It has a wedged-shaped nose to help it to burrow through loose, fine sand, elongated scales cover the ears to keep out blowing sand, and specialized nostrils that allow it to breathe below the sand without inhaling particles. [0003-0709-2909-0123] by 0003