Originally titled "Just Moved" this 1870 photo shows a caucasian family in a large room, a man (husband and father) sitting on a table while cutting bread, a boy eating bread to the right of the scene, seated at the table, and a woman (mother and wife) sitting in a rocking chair smiling down at her baby in her lap. There is a black and white cat sitting on a chest, looking at the woman, and lots of items scattered about. This scene shows a family after just moving and still unpacked. [0003-0709-1818-0353] by 0003
babies, baby, cat, cats, caucasian, caucasian family, child, children, families, family, family life, family lifestyle, family lifestyles, family of 4, family of four, father, fatherhood, fathers, historical, historical lifestyles, illustration, illustrations, just moved, lifestyle, lifestyles, man, mother, motherhood, mothers, move, moving, parent, parenting, parents, pet, pets, son, woman