Stock photo of a riveter woman working a war job, framed by a circular opening of a cowling, her hands through the opening, working on the lower section. This is for one of the motors of a B-25 bomber, Inglewood, California, October 1942. [0003-0611-3021-2416] by 0003
airplane industry, alfred palmer, american history, assembly, assembly line, assembly line methods, at work, aviation plant, b 25 bomber, b 25 bombers, b25 bomber, b25 bombers, bomber, cowling, engine, engine department, engines, farm security administration, female, fsa, historic, historical, history, industrial, military, motor, motors, north american aviation, north american aviation inc, office of war information, one woman, owi, people, person, riveter, riveters, rosie, rosies, the office of war information, vintage, war effort, war job, war jobs, war work, women, women in the military, women workers, worker, workers, world war ii
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