Free Pictures of Mosquitoes 1-39
Plate Streaked with Dried Malathion After it had Been Sprayed to Kill Mosquitoes
Map Showing an Area to be Sprayed with Malathion During the 1976 Pakistani Anti-Mosquito Campaign
Map Showing Areas Sprayed During the 1976 Pakistani Malathion Campaign
Sample of Mosquito Baculovirus
Laboratory Technician Labeling Vials of Mosquito Suspension During an Arbovirus Study
Lab Technician Placing a Previously Created Mosquito Suspension into a Centrifuge During an Arbovirus Study
Laboratory Technician Pouring a Ground Mosquito Suspension into a Vial During an Arbovirus Study
Laboratory Technician Grinding Mosquitoes with a Mortar and Pestle During an Arbovirus Study
Lab Technician Placing Petri Dishes Containing Sorted Mosquitoes into Refrigerated Environment
Laboratory Technician Sorting and Counting Mosquitoes Used in an Arbovirus Study
Laboratorian Working with Mosquito Filled Tubes that were used in a Virus Isolation Study
Field Researcher Placing Pint Cartons Containing Mosquito-Filled Tubes Into a Freezer to Preserve the Specimens
Field Researcher Placing Labeled Mosquito Filled Tubes into Pint Cartons for Storage
Field Researcher Labeling Glass Tubes Filled with Mosquitoes that will be used in an Arbovirus Study - 1980
Field Researcher Placing Stoppers in Tubes Filled with Mosquitoes that will be used for Arbovirus Studies
Field Researcher Unloading a Collection of Mosquitoes from a Mechanical Aspirator into a Test Tube - 1980
Field Researcher Collecting Deceased Mosquitoes with a Mechanical Aspirator
Field Researcher Emptying Mosquitoes from a Insect Collection Bag
Mosquitoes Emptied from a Mosquito Collection Bag
Field Researcher Transporting a Mosquito Collection Bag into a Dry Ice Cooler so the Insects can be Freezed
Field Researcher Setting a Mosquito Collection Bag inside a Cooler that will be Transported to a Laboratory Setting
Field Researcher Sealing a Mosquito Collection Bag for an Arborvirus Isolation Study
Field Researcher Detaching a Collection Bag from a Light Trap Full of Mosquitoes
Researcher Preparing a Block of Dry Ice that will be used to Attract Mosquitoes for Arbovirus Studies - 1980
Researcher Discharging Mosquitoes from the Catch-Tube of a Hand-Held Mechanical Aspirator
Researcher Using a Mechanical Aspirator to Collect Mosquitos from behind a Chicken Coop
Researcher Removing Mosquitoes with a Mechanical Aspirator from the Tray of a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
Researcher Removing a Mosquito-Filled Tray from a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
Field Researcher Removing a Tray Filled with Mosquitoes from a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
Field Researcher Using a Hand-Held Sprayer to Knock Down Mosquitoes from the Screen of a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
Cdc Field Researcher Moving a Mosquito Cage from a Horse Stable Mosquito Trap
CDC Field Researcher Collecting Mosquitoes from the Side of a Horse